" To educate, provide, and create the best opportunities in esports for individuals and interscholastic programs.  "


What is Varsity Esports Recruiting?

Varsity Esports Recruiting is an informational hub aimed to provide students and schools with the resources and opportunities to showcase their hard work. Through supplying the tools needed to help validate, document and centralize a main location for their statistics and achievements. While helping promote events provided by esports collegiate programs, event organizers, and supporters. All of which aimed to give opportunities to students and schools across the country the  ability to compete and connect through something they enjoy doing. Possibly for prizes, scholarships and even an opportunity for those who want to compete at the collegiate level of competition a chance to showcase their talent. 


Collegiate Program Information Hub (FREE)

Our collegiate data hub was put together for the purpose of giving players and interscholastic programs control of their recruitment process to the collegiate level. Through having access to more than 200 collegiate level programs across the United States provided with their information, contacts, recruiting forms/questionnaires and socials. Enabling those who are interested in competing at the next level the ability to do their own research, find schools that are best for them, and contact these programs to find the opportunities that benefit them the most. Even if students are unsure on whether college is what they want to do following high school, our data base is there to show them all the opportunities that they have or ones that they can create. 


Seminars & Esports Discussions (FREE)

We will be hosting and collaborating  with other organizers for both collegiate seminars, and general esports discussions. Our seminars will be focused around college opportunities which include talks on the recruitment process for players, financial aid assistance, general Q&A about colleges, the application processes, and much more. For our esports discussions it will cover a broad range of topics/ideas dealing with new information, news, updates, etc that might effect any player or program.  Our goal is to help educate and make our esports enthusiasts better informed and prepared for this growing industry. Most of these educational and informational discussions will be held on our Twitch channel, to be saved as vods later to be uploaded to our YouTube channel. 

Esports Player and Program Resources (FREE) 

Our resources we provide are added to help both players and coaches in documenting progress that is made as they compete and practice throughout the year.  These resources include excel and google sheets templates to help record and track in-game stats to help maximize their ability to reflect, study and implement changes moving forward into their game to help them improve. 

YouTube College/Recruiting/Esports Informational Playlists (FREE)

Go check out our YouTube channel videos will be available to all students and coaches who are looking to expand their knowledge in all aspects of collegiate opportunities, recruiting, and esports in general. We will also be uploading recordings of our seminars and esports discussions held for those who either missed it and or who want to listen to it at their own pace to take notes.  


What is the Varsity Esports Player & Coaches (Team) Portfolio? 

Our recruiting portfolio is an online profile created for the purpose of giving students and interscholastic programs the abilities to document and centralize their hard work. Giving collegiate coaches and recruiters a verified prime hub of esports statistics and information for them to implement when recruiting new players for their programs. Providing them the ability to find players, interscholastic teams, and leagues as they compete throughout the year.